Each child is treated as an individual

Each child is treated as an individual – and we believe that all children have the right to play and learn together. We are an inclusive school. All children and their families are welcomed here. We aim to adapt our environment and curriculum to meet the needs of each child and take physical and learning disabilities into account.

Children who have special educational needs are supported in their class by their key person and other team members. They learn to make relationships with a variety of people and the wider staff team learn how best to meet their needs. The school special educational needs coordinator (SENCO) talks with families, key people and appropriate outside specialists such as speech and language therapists and physiotherapists so that everybody can share their knowledge and expertise in relation to the child.

Some children may have a Support Plan, which sets targets for the child to work towards to help progress. This is drawn up in consultation with parents.

If staff have any concerns about your child’s development they will speak to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to discuss them with your child’s key person or the SENCO.