How can I find out about my child’s progress at nursery?

You will be able to chat with your child’s key person informally at the beginning or end of sessions. If questions or concerns are more complex, we ask you to make an appointment as staff need to be with the children for the main part of the day. You will be invited to termly meetings to discuss your child’s learning and progress.

Each child has a ‘special book’ into which staff and children put significant pieces of work, photographs, or records of ‘special’ moments or things a child has said. As this is a chronological record, it is possible to see your child’s progress as you read it. The special book belongs to your child and they will take it with them when they leave Oliver Thomas. You can look at this at any time and we actively encourage your contribution to this book to celebrate things that your child has done or achieved at home.

The key person keeps an electronic record of your child’s progress which helps us to identify the next learning steps. When your child leaves, a short report is written outlining their learning and development whilst at Oliver Thomas. You will receive a copy of this report and a copy will be sent to their primary school.

How can I help my child to learn at home?

Listening to, talking with, and playing with your child are the most important ways in which you can help your child. Ask them about what they did at school, play simple tabletop games with them, enjoy sharing a book together turn off the television and computer!

Our Literacy Book Packs are available for reading at home. They have been carefully selected by our team and features many fiction and non-fiction books. The work plans associated with the books are also available.

We also created a selection of favourite Songs & Rhymes and other Fun Activities for you to do with your child at home.

Here are 5 home learning activities:

  • Read the story ‘So Much’
  • Read all about ‘Doctors’
  • Sing along to ‘Old McDonald had a farm’
  • Watch ‘How to make Gloop’
  • Get active to ‘Warm-up movements’

Can I come and help in the nursery?

Yes, you are welcome to come and share your skills with us once your child has settled and can cope with you being in the nursery.

There are many ways you can help including cooking, gardening, telling stories in community languages, and contributing your thoughts on the things we do in the nursery and the way we do them.